Death of Seando Moore
The death has occurred in Belfast of well-known republican activist and ex-POW Seando Moore. The Bobby Sands Trust would like to extend its condolences to Seando’s wife Patricia and the wider McCabe and Moore family circles. Go ndeanna Dia trocaire air. Thousands of...
Where Are You Really From?
Tim Brannigan’s mother was from Belfast, his father from Ghana. Tim’s Irish republican activism led to his arrest and imprisonment in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh in the 1990s. Tim’s powerful memoir explores the meaning of identity and is a book which has garlanded...
New Photos Bobby Sands
Researchers at Stella Maris Secondary School have unearthed early photographs of a young Bobby Sands as part of their study of past pupils who were killed during the conflict. On their website they say: “Twenty six past pupils whose names are known were killed during...
Il diario di Bobby Sands
This week sees the launch in Italy of a new book about Bobby Sands. Silvia Calamati, a journalist and a writer, has translated ‘I arose this morning…A Biography of Bobby Sands for Younger Readers’ by Denis O’Hearn and Laurence McKeown which was published a few years...
Exhibition of Kilmainham Photographs
Recently we published a review of Niamh O’Sullivan's book, ‘Written in Stone’, about the graffiti written by republican PoWs on the walls of this famous prison. One of the photographers who contributed to that book, Tess Buckley, is currently exhibiting more of her...
Garden Rededicated in Finistere
Irish republican sympathizers gathered last Sunday, 9th May, to inaugurate the recently redesigned Bobby Sands Garden in Plougastel, Finistere, France. This garden was first inaugurated in May 1991 on the tenth anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands by Mr Andre...
Remembering the Hunger Strikers
A series of white line pickets were held in republican areas of Belfast today, Wednesday, 5th May, to coincide with the 29th anniversary of the death of IRA Volunteer Bobby Sands after sixty-six days on hunger strike. Bobby was the first of ten IRA and INLA...
Bobby Sands Corsica Tribute
A musical tribute to IRA Volunteer Bobby Sands has appeared on a Corsican nationalist website - CorsicaNustrale’s Channel – and also on Youtube. CorsicaNustrale campaigns on behalf of Yvan Colonna, a political prisoner who is serving a life sentence.
Leaving Cert Special
Bobby Sands and 1916 leader Tom Clarke feature in a series of broadcasts on the Irish radio station Newstalk aimed at Leaving Certificate students. The series, Talking History, has been running since 1st March and is also be available on Podcast and on iTunes for...
Powerful ex-POW Memoir
A memoir by Tim Brannigan, a former republican prisoner from the Falls Road, describing in vivid detail what it was like growing up black in Belfast during the conflict has been showered with praise and has been featured prominently on radio and all the major...