Christy Moore on the Late, Late

Great interview with Christy Moore on the Pat Kenny show available on RTE's Media Player. Below, we also reproduce Christy Moore's contribution to the Hunger Strike essay book, published by the Bobby Sands Trust in 2006.       I Will Sing - Christy Moore   O’Hara,...

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A Freudian Slip?

The death occurred in London last week of Clement Freud, the former Northern Ireland Liberal Party spokesperson (and grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud) who once visited the H-Blocks either during the blanket protest or hunger strike - former prisoners are not...

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Exhibition in the Crum’

The creative and productive use of the former Belfast Prison on the Crumlin Road, which has been the venue for filming, dramas and tours [see Jim Gibney ‘Irish News’ article below], is on display once again this week with an exhibition that runs until Saturday, 26th...

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Sunday Times Refuses to Publish Answers

On Sunday 12th April last the Sunday Times printed an allegation from Sean Flynn (IRSP) that he had visited INLA hunger striker Kevin Lynch on Sunday 5th July in 1981 and that Kevin Lynch “knew nothing” about behind-the-scenes attempts to resolve the prison crisis....

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Che Guevara and Bobby Sands

The veteran Canadian writer and director Peter Pearson has reviewed ‘Hunger’ on his blog and makes some comparisons between Che Guevara and Bobby Sands. Here is his review in full: Coming out of last night's sneak of Hunger, which 26 of us attended thanks to...

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Another Falsehood from the ‘Sunday Times’

The Secretary of the Bobby Sands Trust, Danny Morrison, has called for a retraction from Liam Clarke that he [Morrison] visited the hunger strikers twice on Sunday, 5th July, the second time with IRSP member Sean Flynn. Once again, Liam Clarke preferred to publish...

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‘Powerful Pangs Of a Political Protest’

‘Washington Post’ Staff Writer Ann Hornaday reviews, 3rd April: "Hunger," the feature debut of director Steve McQueen about the 1981 hunger strike of IRA activist Bobby Sands, defies such run-of-the-mill questions as "Is it a good movie?" or "Should I go see it?"...

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‘The anguish of the punished, and the punishers’

Toronto’s ‘Globe and Mail’ film critic Rick Groen reviews, 10th April: Hunger — the disturbing, provocative, brilliant feature debut from British director Steve McQueen — does for modern film what Caravaggio did to Renaissance painting. Centred on the death by...

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Documents Still Withheld

An attempt by the ‘Sunday Times’ [5th April] to call into question the republican leadership’s handling of the 1981 hunger strike by publishing British government documents released under the Freedom of Information Act has actually boomeranged on the reporter who...

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What really happened at Long Kesh?

Ceartais is a lobby group of former Long Kesh Prisoners and their families who are campaigning to reveal the truth behind the exposure of Long Kesh prisoners to CR gas used by the British army on October 15th, 1974, during the disturbances and burning down of the...

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Bobby Sands Trust

The Bobby Sands Trust was established to publish, promote and keep in print the extraordinary writings of Bobby Sands, who from prison isolation became an international figure in 1981, and who to this day continues to inspire Irish republicans in their pursuit of freedom from British rule.

Contact us

Post: The Secretary, Bobby Sands Trust, 51-53 Falls Road, Belfast, BT12 4PD, Ireland