‘A Look at Hell’
Ty Burr of the Boston Globe has described the film ‘Hunger’ as a “look at hell and the hunger for freedom”. The film was reviewed on March 27th. Here is the review in full. ‘Hunger’ brings us into its central narrative slowly, circling it like a bird afraid to land....
Death of Marie Moore
The death has occurred in Belfast of veteran republican Marie Moore, a founding member of the Bobby Sands Trust. Marie’s remarkable life story [see below] was recorded in the book of Hunger Strike essays published in 2006. Marie was buried in St Joseph’s cemetery,...
The High Cost of Dignity
New York Times’ review by A.O. Scott, March 20, 2009. With calm, deliberate attention — an approach at once compassionate and dispassionate — “Hunger” explores physical extremity and political extremism. In recreating the atmosphere at the Maze prison in Northern...
EXCLUSIVE – MI5 on Hunger Strike
“There was absolutely no change in the government’s position.” An unpublished interview with Sir John Blelloch, a member of MI5 who had been seconded to the NIO as a Deputy Secretary at the time of the 1980 and 1981 hunger strikes, has come into the possession of...
Francis Hughes
Today, 15th March, 1981, IRA Volunteer Francis Hughes from Bellaghy in South Derry, joined Bobby Sands on hunger strike. Twenty-five-year-old Francis Hughes was a determined, committed and totally fearless IRA Volunteer who organised a spectacularly successful series...
‘Hunger’ Available on DVD
'Hunger' now available on DVD from the Sinn Fein bookshop , 58 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, Ireland. Tel. 00 353 18148542. Email: "Imagine how most filmmakers would tell this story and then see ‘Hunger’: the differences are bold and powerful...
‘Sunday Times’ Corrects Bobby Sands’ Misquote
On 22nd February last the ‘Sunday Times’ journalist Liam Clarke wrote about the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis which was taking place that weekend and the problems the party faced with the electorate in the twenty-six counties. The feature was titled, ‘Sinn Fein is turning into...
Hunger Stike Began 28 Years Ago
Today, Sunday, 1st March, is the twenty-eighth anniversary of the start of Bobby Sands' hunger strike. This is what he wrote in his diary on Sunday, 1st March, 1981: I am standing on the threshold of another trembling world. May God have mercy on my soul. My heart is...
HUNGER Wins Again
‘Hunger’, the multi-award winning film about the last days in the life of Bobby Sands, swept the boards at the Irish Film & Television Awards [IFTA] in Dublin last night [14th February] winning in six categories, with Michael Fassbinder who played Bobby Sands...
Leonard Cohen sings ‘Kevin Barry’
We have added more songs in the Multimedia section, including versions of 'Kevin Barry' by Leonard Cohen and Paul Robeson. We hope also to gradually expand an international section covering well-known or 'forgotten' songs about political prisoners.