A Freudian Slip?
The death occurred in London last week of Clement Freud, the former Northern Ireland Liberal Party spokesperson (and grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud) who once visited the H-Blocks either during the blanket protest or hunger strike - former prisoners are not...
Exhibition in the Crum’
The creative and productive use of the former Belfast Prison on the Crumlin Road, which has been the venue for filming, dramas and tours [see Jim Gibney ‘Irish News’ article below], is on display once again this week with an exhibition that runs until Saturday, 26th...
Sunday Times Refuses to Publish Answers
On Sunday 12th April last the Sunday Times printed an allegation from Sean Flynn (IRSP) that he had visited INLA hunger striker Kevin Lynch on Sunday 5th July in 1981 and that Kevin Lynch “knew nothing” about behind-the-scenes attempts to resolve the prison crisis....
Another Falsehood from the ‘Sunday Times’
The Secretary of the Bobby Sands Trust, Danny Morrison, has called for a retraction from Liam Clarke that he [Morrison] visited the hunger strikers twice on Sunday, 5th July, the second time with IRSP member Sean Flynn. Once again, Liam Clarke preferred to publish...
Documents Still Withheld
An attempt by the ‘Sunday Times’ [5th April] to call into question the republican leadership’s handling of the 1981 hunger strike by publishing British government documents released under the Freedom of Information Act has actually boomeranged on the reporter who...
What really happened at Long Kesh?
Ceartais is a lobby group of former Long Kesh Prisoners and their families who are campaigning to reveal the truth behind the exposure of Long Kesh prisoners to CR gas used by the British army on October 15th, 1974, during the disturbances and burning down of the...
Death of Marie Moore
The death has occurred in Belfast of veteran republican Marie Moore, a founding member of the Bobby Sands Trust. Marie’s remarkable life story [see below] was recorded in the book of Hunger Strike essays published in 2006. Marie was buried in St Joseph’s cemetery,...
EXCLUSIVE – MI5 on Hunger Strike
“There was absolutely no change in the government’s position.” An unpublished interview with Sir John Blelloch, a member of MI5 who had been seconded to the NIO as a Deputy Secretary at the time of the 1980 and 1981 hunger strikes, has come into the possession of...
Francis Hughes
Today, 15th March, 1981, IRA Volunteer Francis Hughes from Bellaghy in South Derry, joined Bobby Sands on hunger strike. Twenty-five-year-old Francis Hughes was a determined, committed and totally fearless IRA Volunteer who organised a spectacularly successful series...
‘Sunday Times’ Corrects Bobby Sands’ Misquote
On 22nd February last the ‘Sunday Times’ journalist Liam Clarke wrote about the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis which was taking place that weekend and the problems the party faced with the electorate in the twenty-six counties. The feature was titled, ‘Sinn Fein is turning into...